14: Doug Hobby: “Thank you - I see a different path now” | The History Empathy Haircuts that opened my mind forever.

Today you meet Doug Hobby!

Doug Hobby was my first haircut customer in the salon. At 19 years old, our time during haircuts opened my mind. I never wanted the haircuts to end... we talked about so many things.

Life, the economy, history, faith, family, honesty, empathy, differences...
Doug is a history teacher. He's not in a classroom anymore, but everywhere he goes a classroom is undeniably there. 

He's the first progressive thinker I met who only led me toward more empathy. I have thought about the lessons Doug taught me in the years since leaving Central Florida. This conversation is about two friends meeting up after many years apart. 

Grab a tissue, Doug and I had to. Friendships and people are so beautiful. There was so much I had forgotten about Doug's story... 


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